Saturday, August 14, 2004

Various Tycoons

Once upon a time, this was maybe a year or so ago, there was a promotion with a cereal company where they had different game CDs in their box that you got for free when you bought the cereal. There was Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune and Battleship as well as the Stuart Little 2 movie. We collected almost all of the CDs and the movie for the Boy. I can remember uttering the memorable line as I picked up a box of Lucky Charms with the Battleship game in it:

Me: I wonder if I can get this in a better cereal....

Anyway, the game we've played most together, the Boy and I, are the two Tycoon games; RollerCoaster Tycoon and Monopoly Tycoon (forever refered to in our house as "Monockoly", since that was the way the Boychild says it). They're both games geared not for the 4 year old set, so I do most of the "driving". And that's okay, because I have fun playing both of them. The Boy, when asked which is his favourite invariably replies:

Boy: I like RollerCoaster Tycoon better because people barf.

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