Saturday, August 21, 2004

Exit 5A

This weekend we went up again to Poppa's house for the Boy's cousin's birthday party. It's a 90-minute drive that takes us from the city to the Annapolis Valley. About 20 minutes or so up the road is the Town of Windsor. It's an exciting part of the drive because there is a ancient railway yard that lies right next to the highway. About two-dozen old trains rest on the track. For a Boy, it's like Thomas the Tank Engine come to life. We call out the kinds of trains we see: Troublesome Trucks, Oil Cars, Caboose, Passenger Coaches, Diesels. It's only a few seconds of the drive and soon the trainyard is behind us.
Me: Wow, there were a lot of trains there today. Wasn't that great?
Boy: And there was one there that looked just like Mavis!
Me: Maybe it was Mavis.
Boy (in a wry, don't-be-silly voice): No, it wasn't really Mavis! It had no eyes...

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