Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Bravest Boy Ever

The Boy will be starting school in a few weeks and the thought of it is terrifying.

For me, not for him.

In advance of the Day, and as a requirement for the Daycare, he was off to the doctor's office today to get his immunizations. Two needles, one in each arm.

Dr. Judy: Do you want to sit on your Mommy's lap?

Boy: No.

So up he hops on the examination table.

Dr. Judy: Do you want your Mommy to hold your hand? Because you have to be very still while I give you your needle.

Boy: No. I'll be allright.

Two needles go in and not a single peep out of a Boy. The doctor was most impressed. In fact she commented:

Dr. Judy: Wow. You are the bravest boy that's ever been here for his needles.

Boy: What about my blood pressure?

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