Friday, April 06, 2007

The 19th Hole

Last night, to celebrate the Boy's good report card, we went out to the Lone Star restaurant for supper. I noted as we walked in that they had a TV on over the bar that was showing The Big Break VII, something that the Boy and I watch together occasionally. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) there was no TV to be viewed from where we were in the restaurant. We sat next to the conveyor belt that processed the balls of dough into the flat burrito wraps that we were to get with our fajitas. The Boy enjoyed himself watching the wraps come down the slow cooking spiral, often getting in the way of patrons and waitresses, but having a good time anyway. He came back to the table and sat down.

Boy: Is there TV in heaven?

Mamma: Yes there's everything in heaven.

Boy: Then Tiger's Dad can watch him play the Masters this week.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Power of the Pen

The other day the boy invited me into the bathroom with him.

So, this is blog entry is off to a weird start, huh.

What it was though, he wanted to show me something that required viewing in a dark room. The small powder room on the main level fit the bill. He got me in the room, closed the door and turned off the light.

Boy: See that?

Me: What?

Boy: See that?

Me (straining to see something, finally noticing the napkin in his hand on which, glowing barely visible, are three letters): Oh, it's your name!

Boy (proudly): It's invincible ink.