Thursday, April 27, 2006

The One and Only

On the third night since I returned home from Houston the Boy and I were going through our night-time routine and had got to the point where it was time to pick out a book. The night previous we had read the one I'd bought in Houston. You should know that on nights where it's not a rush to get to bed on time, the Boy picks out the book. On other nights, I'll pick one out. Often a short one. On this night, we had time so the Boy picked.

Boy: I pick THIS one!

Me: Hey. We read that last night.  You want to read it again?

Boy: Yes. Because this is my new best book.

Me: It is, is it?

Boy: Yes, because you bought it for me.

Me: Oh, that's very nice.

Boy: So it's the very best book I have.

Me: Oh thank you.

Boy: And you are the very best Daddy ...

(Wow!  I thought.)

Boy (cont): ... that I have.

We laughed together.

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