Thursday, May 18, 2006

Scent of a Soft Drink

Twice, I've taken the Pepsi Cola Challenge. Twice, I picked Pepsi. So as far as the cola wars go, you know whose side I'm on. I have been trying to cut down recently with all the exercising and stuff, but I'll admit to some more recent backsliding. In fact I had bought three bottles of the stuff from the store - it wasn't even on special.

It's a slippery slope.

The one in the fridge having been emptied, I went to get one of the others which were ... gone!

I was sure there were two more left. Did I drink all three bottles and not realize it? But there was that mysterious comment that the Boy had made a couple of days ago about missing bottles. I took a chance.

Me: What did you say about the Pepsi bottles. Do you know where they are?

Boy: Yes, I'll go find them.

He disappeared for a moment into the downstairs den and came back lugging a bag full of 2L bottles.

Me: How did you know where those were?

 Boy: I thought I smelled Pepsi behind the couch and-

- and I interrupted him with a growl and a laugh and gave him a hug.

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