Friday, July 30, 2004

Somewhere, Lou Costello Smiles.

The motel in PPI was great. It had fridge that we weren't expecting and a pool that we were. A fire pit and a horseshoes pit. A little basketball court in the driveway and "Shirley's", a burger and ice cream stall across the road. That was a new word for The Boy, "Stall" and he used it frequently.

On arrival, he met a few other children swimming in the motel pool. The day was hot, the drive had been long and the pool was a very refreshing welcome. It was a very nice pool and we frequented often including the next morning and again in the afternoon. One of the young folks in the afternoon figured he'd seen the Boy earlier in the day.

Kid: Are you the one from this morning?

Boy: (No answer)

Kid: Are you the one?

Boy (vehemently): No, I'm four and a half.

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