Friday, July 23, 2004

The Beatles With a Half Drop of Lemon

The drive from my house to my parents house takes an hour and a half. I'm going to play in a golfing tournament and maybe also to get The Boy out one evening to play a few holes because he really likes to play. He's been playing for over three years now. I remind you that he's not quite 5 years old. 

We're listening to a music CD I've made of various artists. And even though partially sleep-deprived, staying awake is no problem when there's a little chatterbox going non-stop for the full ninety minutes with questions, questions, questions! Among the gems:

Boy: Who's this group?

Me: The Beatles.

Boy: What's their names?

Me: John, Paul, George and Ringo. They play rock and roll. All different kinds of music actually.

Boy: Do the Beatles play a Tango?

(Tango? How the heck does he know about a Tango?)

Me: Don't spill your lemonade now. We don't want a mess in the backseat.

Boy: I spilled some. Only a little, Just a drop.

Me: We-eelll.... A drop is okay.

Boy: Is half a drop okay?

Me (considering): Spilling half a drop might be pretty tricky....

Boy: (unintelligble ... but one word catches my ear ... did he say,"funky?")

Me: What? What did you say?

Boy: I said look at that cloud, Daddy.

Me: What kind of cloud?

Boy: Look at that funky cloud. Do you think it's going to thunder?

(Funky? Where the heck did he hear "Funky"?)


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