Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Part 2

About a week ago I was in the car being grilled from the back seat about the relative speeds of different modes of transportation. What's faster? A car or a plane. How about a plane and a train? And so on. I told the Boy that planes were the fastest but then went on to say there was such a thing as a high-speed train in Tokyo that might almost be as fast as a plane. That was the end of the discussion until we got on board our flight to Florida. Wouldn't you know, leafing through the En Route magazine - there was a picture of the high-speed train. I showed it to a Boy. He looked at it for a long time and asked:

Boy: Is that the one in Pinocchio?

It was only after asking him to repeat that a few times before I figured out that he meant "the one in Tokyo".

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