Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Part 2

About a week ago I was in the car being grilled from the back seat about the relative speeds of different modes of transportation. What's faster? A car or a plane. How about a plane and a train? And so on. I told the Boy that planes were the fastest but then went on to say there was such a thing as a high-speed train in Tokyo that might almost be as fast as a plane. That was the end of the discussion until we got on board our flight to Florida. Wouldn't you know, leafing through the En Route magazine - there was a picture of the high-speed train. I showed it to a Boy. He looked at it for a long time and asked:

Boy: Is that the one in Pinocchio?

It was only after asking him to repeat that a few times before I figured out that he meant "the one in Tokyo".

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Part 1

Mamma and the Boy were excited about the prospect of our trip to Florida. It was a business trip for me, so I wasn't quite as enthused as they were. The trick for them was that while my flight was confirmed, they were going to be traveling "Standby" with all the inherent risk. We had to let the Boy know what was coming up but at the same time let him know that if all the seats filled up, he and Mamma might not be able to get on the plane.

Boy: Couldn't we take a boat?