Speaking of misprints, the office bulletin board had a notice for glow-in-the-dark bowling under the heading "Dad and Me". I thought this would be an excellent outing and the Boy agreed. On Sunday he was counting down the hours to one o'clock, anxious and eager and excited to go bowling.
It was a beautiful day on Sunday. We drove into the city with the sun shining and the windows open. Out in the basin, a fireboat was jetting twin plumes of water in mirrored arcs. The Boy said it looked like the boat had wings.
We parked by the gym and walked into the foyer where we were met by a sympathetic lady who guessed why we were there and told us that the announcement for "Dad and Me" bowling had been made with a misprint. It wasn't didn't start at 1 o'clock, it started at 4 o'clock. I fumed for a moment and asked whether the Boy wanted to wait or play now somewhere else. Being 6 years old, he opted for the choice that provided instant gratification.
I ended up spending $10 for an hour of bowling. "Dad and Me" would have cost $6 for two hours. I don't think that it was because one was 5-pin and the other was 10-pin. The Boy and I bowled 2 games. Each of us played better in the first game than the second. In the fifth frame of the first game, I rolled my first of two strikes. Strikes are rare in candlepin bowling, especially when you haven't been playing for years. I rolled the ball right on my target and the pins splashed everywhere. They all went down at once. I stuck my arms up in the air in celebration. The Boy shouted behind me.